The Annual General Meeting of the BMC will take place during the conference, on Wednesday 26 March.
One of the items on the agenda of this meeting will be the election of a new Chair of the BMC Scientific Committee, to take over from 31 May 2008.
The present Chair is Professor Edmund Robertson (St Andrews) who was elected at the Liverpool AGM in 2005.
In accordance with a decision of the AGM, the Scientific Committee is required to make at least one nomination for this position at the York AGM, and this nomination must be made public at least two weeks before the meeting.
One nomination for Chair was received by the Scientific Committee at its meeting in September. This is Professor Peter J Giblin (Liverpool). The Scientific Committee is happy to nominate him and he has agreed to stand for election as Chair.
If there are any other nominations they should be sent to Dr Chris Wood (member of BMC 2008 Organising Committee), by two weeks prior to the conference, that is by 11 March 2008, using the email address
The election of the next Chairman will take place during the AGM of the BMC in York.
The BMC Scientific Committee will meet after the conference on Friday 28 March at 2pm.